Are you swarthy? Do you have piratical tendencies? Are you perhaps a Canadian? If you answered "yes!" to any of these questions, or even if you didn't, you too can join the ranks of the Canadian Pirate order. Simply email me to make this life-changing decision today!
11/03/03 Update: The first issue of "R" was published in March of this year. Other notable events: the Canadian Pirates celebrated Talk Like A Pirate Day and Halloween.
What's in it for me, and what's this about a newsletter?
I'm glad you asked! As a Canadian Pirate, you will receive a periodic newsletter, a great standing in society, an exclusive membership card, and charming good looks. You'll also be automatically cooler than everyone else.
The newsletter will be mailed at random intervals. Hopefully, it will be filled with articles of piratical interest, letters from pirates like you, and other shit that I think is funny. If you would like to help with the upcoming issue, please email me.